

May 05

Policies targeting violence against women lacking

Women in social groups where speaking about violence is highly taboo use to hesitate to seek help, according to Pietruchová.

“Revealing violence would have serious impacts on many women,” Pietruchová said. “For example, the family’s reputation could be harmed, husband could lose his job, children could lose their father and the family its income.”

Women who experience violence try to do their best to change the situation. They want to stop the violence but at the same time they want to save their relationship or marriage. Only when all their efforts turn to be unsuccessful they approach people outside their family which is not always safe solution, according to Pietruchová.

Some mistreated women may also follow the pattern of so called Stockholm syndrome, the behaviour of victims who develop strong emotional tie to their abuser and try to apologise for their acts, Valkovič said. Moreover, even the police adopted motto: “help and protect” many people do not trust them, he added.

The whole article: http://spectator.sme.sk/articles/view/53694/2/policies_targeting_violence_against_women_lacking.html