Európsky inštitút pre rodovú rovnosť spustil databázu novú webovú databázu Ženy a muži v EÚ – fakty a čísla, ktorá je zdrojom informácií o problematike rodovej rovnosti v EÚ. V databáze je monitorovaný stav rodovej rovnosti v EÚ a jej členskyých krajinách na základe indikátorov 12 ktirických oblastí z Pekingskej akčnej platformy pre ženy.
Prehľad indiátorov v databáze:
Ženy a chudoba – Women and poverty (A)
A1. At-risk-of-poverty rate by age and sex
A3a. Inactivity by age and sex: share of women and men who are inactive by age
Vzdelávanie žien – Education and Training of Women (B)
Ženy a zdravie – Women and Health (C)
Násilie na ženách – Violence Against Women (D)
D1. Domestic violence against women: profile of female victims of violence
D2. Domestic violence against women: profile of male perpetrators
D3. Domestic violence against women: victim support
D5. Domestic violence against women: training of professionals
D6. Domestic violence against women: state measures to eliminate domestic violence against women
ženy v ozbrojených konfliktoch – Women and Armed Conflict (E)
E2. Proportion (number and percentage) of women and men among:
– heads of diplomatic missions and EC delegations
– female victims of violence, and
– the participation of women in peace-building and post-conflict reconstruction
Ženy a ekonomika – Women and the economy (F)
– before entry into the non-compulsory pre-school system (during the day);
– in the non-compulsory or equivalent pre-school system (outside pre-school hours);
– in compulsory primary education (outside school hours)
F5. Dependent elderly men and women (unable to look after themselves on a daily basis) over 75
– living in specialised institutions;
– who have help (other than the family) at home;
as a proportion of men and women over 75
– basic time spent on domestic work;
– other time devoted to the family (upbringing and care of children and care of dependent adults)
– basic time spent on domestic work;
– other time devoted to the family (upbringing and care of children and care of dependent adults)
F9. Ratio for the total sum of wage
F11. Ratio by age and education
F12. Segregation in the labour market
F13. Ratio according to personal characteristics
F14. Breakdown of the hourly wage gap between men and women using the Oaxaca technique
F15. Measures to promote equal pay and combat the gender pay gap
Ženy v mocenských a rozhodovacích pozíciách – Women in Power and Decision-making (G)
G2. The proportion of women in the regional Parliaments of the Member States, where appropriate
G3. The proportion of women in local assemblies in the Member States
G4. Policies to promote a balanced participation in political elections
G7. The proportion of the highest ranking civil servants who are women
G8. The distribution of the highest ranking women civil servants in different fields of action
Inštitucionálne mechanizmy pre podporu žien – Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women (H)
H1. Status of governmental responsibility in promoting gender equality
H2a. Personnel resources of the governmental gender equality body
Ľudské práva žien – Human Rights of Women (I)
Ženy a médiá – Women and the Media (J)
Ženy a životné prostredie – Women and the Environment (K)
Dievčatá – The Girl Child (L)